Academy of Marketing Lifetime Achievement Award 2022: Acceptance Speech
On July 6, 2022 at the annual conference dinner in Huddersfield, UK, I was honored with an award from the Academy of Marketing for...

Online learning, educational fads & Hattie’s synthesis of 900+ meta analyses of educational methods
-Lynn Vos (May 2021) (The photo is an image of the book cover for Hattie, J.A.C. (2009). Visible Learning: A synthesis of 800+ meta...

Using simulations in marketing to integrate learning
-Lynn Vos (The photo above is from Stratx, developer of the simulation Markstrat. For more informtion on this simulation please go to:...

Teaching excellence: What is it and how is it measured in the TEF (UK Teaching Excellence Framework)
-Lynn Vos (Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay) The following is an excerpt from my TEF Report "What Makes Gold" (2018) (see Reports...

The Academic Practitioner Divide in Marketing Education: Part Two
-Lynn Vos (Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay) In the last post, I considered the academic-practitioner divide in marketing education,...

The Academic-Practitioner Divide in Marketing Education - Part One
Considerable research has been undertaken into the academic-practitioner divide - the failure of those who teach and research marketing...

Why minimal guidance does not work
-Lynn Vos (2018) A review of Kirschner, P.A., Sweller, J. & Clark, R.E. (2006). Why minimal guidance during instruction does not work: An...

Quality in HE- What really matters? A review of Gibbs (2010)
-Lynn Vos (2017) (Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay) This blog post reviews Dimensions of Quality by Graham Gibbs (2010) on what really...

The challenges associated with postgraduate dissertations
-Lynn Vos (May 2021) I recently asked my students two questions about their online learning experiences: what worked and what didn’t work...

Principles of good assessment practice
-Lynn Vos Principles of good assessment practice The bulk of educational research concerns assessment principles and practices – how to...