Lynn Vos, PhD
Associate Professor Marketing; SFHEA
Professional ​
Focus: Developing the evidence base for improving teaching and learning.
Professor/Instructor - Marketing
Calgary, Alberta
2020 - present
Research Lead - NSERC $300,000 project
Instructor - Marketing
Associate Professor of Marketing
University of Hertfordshire
Hatfield, UK
2014- 2019
Designed and delivered courses in marketing for both undergraduate and Master's level students.
Academic research, publishing and reviewing; Awarded 2 research grants.
Programme Leader: BA (Hons) Marketing and Marketing with languages (2015-2018)
Engagement Projects-: Developing evidence-based practices to enhance student learning and engagement across our diverse student population.
Supervised dissertation students at UG and PG; and students on work placement.
Teaching and Learning Consultancy:​
2017 HEA project – Designed and delivered workshop for 50+ staff at the University of Surrey on enhancing student engagement and using authentic assessment.
2016 Pearson Publishers – designed and delivered a workshop on using simulations in marketing education.
2015 HEA project -carried out focus groups with marketing academics across the UK and produced a report on the key tensions and issues they face in teaching and learning.
2014 HEA project – Improving postgraduate dissertation outcomes – designed for Royal Holloway and Robert Gordon Universities.
2014 HEA project - student engagement workshopsfor the Chartered Association of Business School's 'Leaders in Teaching and Learning Programme (with Richard Atfield).
Chair Academy of Marketing Committee on Education, (UK Learned Society for Marketing – The Academy of Marketing (AM) (August 2013 – 2019)
Sharing good practice on teaching and learning; building and developing network;
Hosting workshop(s) on teaching and learning issues;
Leading the Teaching and Research development grants scheme for pedagogical research (3 awards of £3500 each per year);
Managing and awarding annual Teaching excellence prizes for UK based marketing academics and teaching teams; and
Chairing and leading the review process for the Marketing Education track at the annual AM conference (hosting up to 500 marketing academics from around the world each year); selecting track award winning papers.
Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) March 2018
Discipline Lead, Marketing, Finance and Accounting
Higher Education Academy
York, UK
​2011 - Aug. 2014
Built networks of academics across the UK who were seeking to share ideas; identifying innovative approaches to assessment and feedback, student engagement, employability, curriculum development, innovative pedagogies, internationalisation and global citizenship;
Supported individual academics and/or departments to develop their teaching & learning projects via grant applications, funds for workshops & seminars, identifying resources, research, and networks;
Commissioned research on teaching and learning issues of interest to marketing and accounting academics (UK) and disseminating the outcomes of research through publications, workshops, and conferences;
Publishing papers related to teaching and learning;
Participated in and delivered papers and workshops at relevant conferences: Association of Business Schools; Academy of Marketing; HEA Social Sciences Conference; HEA Social Sciences Summits; BMAF (Accounting and Finance) Conference;
Managed research projects (e.g. Active and experiential learning in the social sciences - 10 projects at Universities across the UK);
Held workshops and events; providing funding for events where academics could share good practices in teaching and learning;
Worked with Social Sciences team to create summits & conferences on key themes/emerging issues such as Big Data, teaching research methods, ethics, assessment and feedback, students as partners;
Created, supported and managed UK-wide communities of practice on key themes in marketing, finance & accounting education;
Maintaining & developing relationships with professional bodies, learned societies, and special interest groups in marketing, finance & accounting education and supporting their events;
Speaking at higher education events & conferences;
Speaking to University departments about the latest research in teaching and student engagement; visited over 55 UK Universities and colleges;
Publishing monthly blog posts and quarterly Marketing newsletters (attached); Twitter feed (@HEA_MarketingEd), and LinkedIn;
Managed budget for my discipline areas; and
External examining (University of South Wales) and External validation panels (Cardiff Met University).
Senior Lecturer Marketing Communications (V.L.)
University of Greenwich, London, UK
​2013 - 2015
​Designed curriculum, taught and assessed students on MA Marketing module for French exchange students: Contemporary Issues in Marketing Communications.
Key themes: social media, ethics, young consumers.
Senior Lecturer Marketing
Middlesex University, London UK
​1998 - 2011
​Main teaching: Marketing Strategy (including simulation) (UG); Digital marketing (PG); Integrated Marketing Communications (UG & PG), Consumer Behaviour (UG), International Marketing (UG & PG); International Political and Economic Environment for Marketing (PG), Market Research (UG).
Service teaching – designed and delivered a bi-annual module on marketing for Theatre Directors on the Fine Arts programme at the Trent Park Campus
Research: publications and book chapters related to small business marketing, curriculum innovation, and using simulations (see attached). Awarded two external research grants.
Service Roles: Curriculum Leader - design and review curriculum across all UG & PG programmes in Marketing across two cycles of revision (2005 -2009); Programme Leader - Undergraduate Programmes (2001-2005; 2009-2010). Member of University validation team. Year one personal tutor.
Employer Engagement: Undertook six SME consulting projects; developed a business advisory committee; engaged local companies to work with students on market research and marketing communications campaigns.
Business Consultancy: Working with companies and associations to improve their markteing
University wide roles: Member of University validation team (sat on two validation panels); university orator for four honorary graduates; external validator; member of University committees such as Assessment and Feedback.
Senior Lecturer Marketing (Visiting Lecturer)
University of Westminster University, London UK
2000 - 2010
Proposed, designed and led 'Starting your Practice': An entrepreneurship module for those studying Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Complementary Therapies and Nutritional Therapy (10 module runs).
Prior roles:
Senior Lecturer Marketing, Thames Valley University: 1996-1998
Lecturer in Marketing, Kwantlen University College, Vancouver Canada 1987 - 1996
Advertising Manager - Canadian Pacific Airlines Holidays , Vancouver Canada 1984 - 1986
Stock broker - Levesque Beaubien, Edmonton Canada 1983-1984
Academic research
Pedagogic research
Academic consultancy
Curriculum design
Assessment design
Marketing simulations
Programme leadership
Teaching internationally
Developing employer-university- links
Business consulting
Basic website design
Photoshop and content creation
Blog/post writing and publication
Social media - Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest
Professional Affiliations
Member of the Academy of Marketing
Chair, Subcommittee for Marketing Education , Academy of Marketing
Previous Special Interest Group (SIG) Chair - Marketing Education Track (Academy of Marketing)
University of Greenwich
PhD in Marketing 2015-2016
Awarded PhD by publication, November 2016. Title: An examination of integrated teaching and learning approaches in marketing education
University of British Columbia
Post-graduate Certificate in Teaching
University of British Columbia
MA in International Relations
University of Alberta
Bachelors of Business Administration and Commerce